“When we think about all of the elements that need to be in place for a public art walk to take place, this is a classic example of how knowledge media design works. That is to say, there is a whole series of research initiatives that inform the expression of issues and questions that might be important to ask within communities.”
This lecture discusses six different projects, ranging from collaborative storytelling to the development of a video textbook, which all are a part of and contribute to the field of Knowledge Media Design. The Narratives in Space + Time Society project brought together hundreds of collaborators and participants to collaboratively create a choreographed assembly focused on the Halifax Explosion, involving sensorial storytelling and the sharing histories from underrepresented groups in Halifax. The Just Powers project focused on understanding how and why organizing around energy transition should be done and relating these ideas to treaty relations in Canada through the recording of interviews and podcasts. The Creative Hubs and Networks Mapping project facilitating the exchange and dissemination of information about creative hubs in Canada and around the world. Similarly, the Artifex project, in collaboration with the organization Mass Culture, seeks to develop and disseminate professional research that is relevant to the Canadian arts community and Mass Culture’s growing network of researchers. The Massive Micro Sensemaking project used autoethnography to investigate how people around the world made sense of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic on individual and global scales. The On Method: A Video Textbook project developed a nine-episode video series which examines and explains the key concepts and approaches of qualitative methods.
The Speaker
Mary Elizabeth Luka, Assistant Professor | Arts, Media & Culture Management, Department of Arts, Culture, Media (UTSC)
Related Research
Luka, M. E. (2018). Assembling Collaboration in the Debris Field: From Psychogeography to Choreographies of Assembly. Canadian Theatre Review, 176, 41–47. https://doi.org/10.3138/ctr.176.007
Luka, M. E. (2021). Resilience in Pandemic Sensemaking: Thinking Through a Community of Practice. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies/Revue d’études Interculturelle de l’image, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.17742/IMAGE.MM.12.2.7
Luka, M. E., & Lilley, B. (2018). THE NiS+TS PSYCHOGEOGRAPHER’S TABLE: Countering the Official Halifax Explosion Archive. Public, 29(57), 236–249. https://doi.org/10.1386/public.29.57.236_1
Luka, M. E., Markham, A. N., & Harris, D. (2021). Massive/Micro Sensemaking: Towards Post-Pandemic Futures. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies/Revue d’études Interculturelle de l’image, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.17742/IMAGE.MM.12.2.1
Luka, M. E., Markham, A., Rettmer, L., & Merkx, A. (2022). Creating On Method: Translating Scholarly Research on Methods. Scholarly and Research Communication, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.22230/src.2022v13n2a431
Markham, A. N., Harris, A., & Luka, M. E. (2021). Massive and Microscopic Sensemaking During COVID-19 Times. Qualitative Inquiry, 27(7), 759–766. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800420962477
Mary Elizabeth Luka. (2021). 15. The “New Main Street”: Reshaping the Canadian creative ecosystem In D. Beauregard & J. Paquette (Eds.), Canadian cultural policy in transition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Qualitative Inquiry, Volume 27 Issue 7, September 2021
Special Issue: Massive and Microscopic Sensemaking during COVID-19
Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Massive/Micro Sensemaking: Towards Post-pandemic Futures
Other Resources
Narratives in Space + Time Society: http://www.narrativesinspaceandtime.ca/
Just Powers: https://www.justpowers.ca/
iDoc: https://www.justpowers.ca/projects/idoc/
Podcast: https://www.justpowers.ca/projects/just-powers-podcast/
Creative Hubs and Networks Mapping: https://criticaldigitalmethods.ca/creative-hubs-and-networks-database/
Impact Assessment: https://criticaldigitalmethods.ca/research-and-creations/academic-bibliography-collection/impact-assessment/
Mass Culture: https://massculture.ca/research-in-residence-arts-civic-impact/
Massive Micro Sensemaking: https://markdegarmodance.org/virtual-international-arts-festival-via/