KMDI Coffee Club

Room 728, Bissell Building 140 St. George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club

Room 728, Bissell Building 140 St. George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club | PhD Seminar – Participatory Design research for collaborative music learning: Challenges with participant engagement and technology

Room 728, Bissell Building 140 St. George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For our last Coffee Club of the semester, we are pleased to host an informal talk by KMD Collaborative Program student, Heather Birch, PhD candidate: PhD Seminar: Participatory Design research for collaborative music learning: Challenges withContinue reading

Spring Poster Session and End-of-Term Party

Inforum, 4th floor, Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Toronto, AZ

Save the date! Celebrate the research and design skills of our students at the annual spring poster competition and party. Posters from KMD1001, KMD1002 and the KMD Capstone course will be on display. Join us for anContinue reading

KMDI Seminar – Rehabilitation Technologies: Why are they not yet disruptive?

Room 132, Rehabilitation Sciences Building, 500 University Ave 500 University Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

This event is co-hosted by HFIG, IATS and MIVE / CEAL Guest Speaker: Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, PhD, OT (Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa)   Abstract “Disruptive innovation” leads to technologies that invigorate an existing approach toContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club

room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Toronto, AZ

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club

room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Toronto, AZ

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club

room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Toronto, AZ

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading

KMDI Coffee Club

room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, Toronto, AZ

All are welcome to drop by for a chat, coffee, tea and baked treats With KMD students from departments all over the university, let's get everyone together!  Mark (KMDI Director) and Carol (KMDI Coordinator) willContinue reading