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KMDI Tea Talk
room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, TorontoAll are welcome to drop by for a chat, warm beverage and sweet treats. Feel like sharing your research? Interested in hearing feedback? How about a friendly audience to practice a presentation or design pitch?Continue reading
KMDI Tea Talk
room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, TorontoAll are welcome to drop by for a chat, warm beverage and sweet treats. Feel like sharing your research? Interested in hearing feedback? How about a friendly audience to practice a presentation or design pitch?Continue reading
KMDI Tea Talk
room 713, Claude T. Bissell Building 140 St. George Street, TorontoAll are welcome to drop by for a chat, warm beverage and sweet treats. Feel like sharing your research? Interested in hearing feedback? How about a friendly audience to practice a presentation or design pitch?Continue reading